
For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.

-Galatians 1:10 NKJV

around the web

February 12,2025
The Rise of Nora Vasconcellos | Let it Kill

Nora is the best. New video on Vice.

January 11,2025
Pool Party Practice GoPro

After one of my speedlites fell over and cracked, I only had one flash left, so I decided to break out the GoPro and get some video. Jump to it here.

January 7, 2025
Joe Rogan Experience | Wesley Huff

Joe Rogan interviews Wesley Huff, a Christian Apologetic. Watch and listen here.

July 27, 2021
2020 Olympics | Women's Street Finals

13 year-old Momiji Nishiya takes gold in the first Women's Street Olympic skateboarding event. Watch highlights here.

July 27, 2021
2020 Olympics | Men's Street Finals

Yuto Horigome grabs gold in front of the home crowd in the first Men's Street Olympic skateboarding event. Watch highlights here.

April 5, 2020
Nora Vasconcellos

Thrasher replays Nora's part in Welcome Skateboard's Seance Video here.


"The important thing is that your teammates have to know you are pulling for them and you really want them to be successful."

-Kobe Bryant

managing money

from Focus on the Family

Do you set financial goals for your family, or do you live by faith? Actually, those options aren't necessarily in conflict. Biblical stewardship is using God-given gifts and resources (time, talent, money, relationships) for the accomplishment of God-given objectives. When you're convinced that He has given you a goal, there's an element of faith involved in pursuing it. A faith goal is an objective we believe the Lord has directed us to move toward.

This isn't a question of having everything lined up. Instead, it's about stepping out. It has been said that "God doesn't steer a parked car." If I set a faith goal and move in that direction, the Lord can intervene and clarify the goal in time. The important thing is to get moving.

Also, bear in mind that goal-setting is dynamic. Write your goals in sand, not concrete. A financial goal is something you can put on paper in a specific, measurable way, but it won't be a realistic goal unless it's flexible. Prayerfully seek God's leading and take action. The key is to keep our goals in perspective and hold them lightly, maintaining the attitude that "if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that" (James 4:13-17 ESV). In the final analysis, God is always in charge—and gives wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5).

articles from around the internet

Wesley Huff Christian Apologetic

"Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion" by Os Guiness

What are We to Make of Jesus Christ? by C.S. Lewis

contest: 2025 Pool Party 1/18/25

The Final Pool Party Click here to view.

update: welcome back

image taken by me Poipu, Kauai

This is my first update on the site since 2021. Time has gone by quickly. My wife and I have a senior and a sophmore in high school now. I've been at a furniture company studio in LA for the past 8 years and business is doing really well. I was even able to travel to Vietnam recently to set up a photo studio near our factories. But, back to the site...

I debated over the last 5 years whether or not I should keep paying a monthly fee to keep it when I wasn't putting up any new content. I think that God has been quietly telling me to keep it and has been trying to get me to update. I aplolgize for anyone who has come back more than once to see that nothing has changed. I have some new sessions to post from all the Pool Party Practice. A lot of the images I have posted to my Instgram, but some you can only see here. God bless all those who are here. If you see me out there in the wild, say, Hi. If you need prayer for anything, let me know.

session: 2025 Pool Party Practice 1/6/25

And we keep on going Click here to view.

First photos of the new year, and first time seeing Lizzie in forever Click here to view.

session: 2025 Pool Party Practice 12/16/24

Salba carves one in the round Click here to view.

session: 2025 Pool Party Practice 12/11/24

Jordyn Barratt pops a nice ollie. Click here to view.

session: 2025 Pool Party Practice 12/4/24

Josh Borden around the corner. Click here to view.

words: Rest in Peace Jeff Grosso

The skateboarding world aches. Click here to view.

contest: exposure 2019

Got a chance to hang out at one of my favorite contests of the year, and right in my backyard. Much shredding ensued. Click here to view.

contest: pool party qualifiers & pro practice

Had the day off for qualifiers, so I shot some photos Click here to view.

contest: girls combi pool classic

Didn't get to go on Saturday this year, but I was able to hang out with some of the girls on Friday for practice. Click here to view.

contest: girls combi pool classic

The Combi Pool Classic was madness this year. Big congrats to Nicole Hause on taking home top honors Click here to view.

session: Prince Park

The crew was killing the park in Oceanside. Norcal local, Kevin Reynolds Texas plants in the samll bowl. Click here to view.

Events: Vans Park Series

The girls slayed the Vans Park Series in Huntington Beach. Check out the photos here

inspiration: miracles

I think for most unbelievers, miracles of the bible are foolishness. If someone doesn't believe in a God who created the earth, how can they believe He can part a sea, or raise the dead? Monumental miracles such as the plagues of Egypt may have been common in the days of Moses, but today we don't see those types of events. Today, the small personal stories of God's grace that have no explanation are what we have. Some stories, even though inexplicable, most non-believers will still be skeptical. Even if it happens to them, they are sure there has to be some explanation. For other non-believers, it can change their whole world.

Miracle stories are all around us, we just don't hear about them often. Here is an article from Reader's Digest I came across.

life lessons: devotional

A Father Who Loves the Mother

Daily Devotional from D. James Kennedy Ministries

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. If you are going to be a godly dad, you need to forsake all others with heart and mind and soul and love your wife. We are to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for us.

It is in loving each other that parents create a stable and good home. Besides loving his wife in order to be a good father, a man must commit to be there for his children.

It is really very easy to become a father, but it is very difficult to be a godly father in the home. You must, first of all, be a godly man. Second, you must—very obviously, but today, importantly—be in the home, because if there is one place where tens of millions of American fathers are not present today, it is in the home. Eighty percent of all of the families in the inner city are fatherless. Eighty percent!

Without fathers in the home, children will lack the emotional center a father provides, crime will go up as will all the troubles that lack of guidance and fathering bring upon a family.


There have been times when I struggle to be the husband my wife deserves. We have been through some tough times in our 15 years of marriage. With prayer and communication, we have come out of some rough times. Being a father of two daughters, it is my job to show my daughters how a man is supposed to treat a woman. I don't want them to grow up and be attracted to men who treat them badly and for them think that's how they are supposed to be treated. That is not what love is. Love is unconditional. Love never fails. Love always wins.

photos: combi session

Back at the combi after a long break Click to view.

resource: the bible project

Screenshot from Bible Project

The Bible Project is such an amazing resource to understanding different books of the bible. Right now, the project covers every book through Hebrews. I was turned onto this from a friend at work, and I'm so glad that he shared. The production on the videos is outstanding. It is also a great way to have devotion time with your kids. I have not watched all the videos, but I would recommend watching them once through before watching with the little ones.

This project is crowd source funded, so take a look and donate if you're able.

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